Addressing Risk - Common questions - after the residential building fire.

Cornwall Fire Services has laid 12 charges against landlords of a multi-unit residence where there were deficient smoke and carbon monoxide alarms during a fire on July 27 / 23.

Whether your building or facility is commercial, residential or industrial, after a fire incident, Authorities having jurisdiction can investigate; from local fire services, the fire marshal's Office, insurance companies, to the Ministry of Labour and always have common questions posed to the building Owner;

- Were the building’s fire protection devices installed, and properly maintained to working conditions? As the building Owner is required to maintain evidence of most checks, tests and inspections under Fire Codes and applicable Sections of OHSA, can we please see those records?

- Occupants within buildings have roles and responsibilities too. These are typically outlined in the building’s approved firer safety plan. As the building Owner, can you please confirm that the occupants have been communicated their roles and respopnsibilities? Can you provide evidence to support this?

- Were building supervisory staff made aware of their roles and responsibilities found within the approved fire safety plan? - Were they trained as required by Fire Codes and applicable OSHA and workplace safety requirements? Is there any documentation maintained by the building Owner to support this?

Remember, its not just about code compliance, its about having the "evidence" to prove the building owner or controlling corporation - has taken the code required steps to prevent, prepare and mitigate fire emergencies to keep your communities safe.

Cornwall Fire Services lays 12 charges for deficient alarms


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