Congratulations to OPENTEXT on accomplishing their accredited Fire Warden Training Program

The term “Fire Warden” is a generic term used to describe those building occupants who volunteer, are assigned to, or required to perform certain functions as part of their job function, during fire emergency/incident situations.

These roles and responsbilities are often assigned to tenants and employers operating in building’s in Ontario through their building’s Fire Safety Plan.

OPENTEXT Fire Wardens, through a dedicated onsite and site specific training program, were engaged on both their roles and responsibilities in person, through NLS Group’s newly accredited training program; Implementing the Fire Safety Plan for Workplace Fire Wardens.

It is a unique priveledge to work alongside such proactive organizations who value being prepared, and having the documentation to prove it - through professional development of their teams.

The Ontario Fire Code requires all persons having roles and responsibilities for fire safety - be trained on those roles and responsibilities - before being assigned those responsibilities. This is a requirement of the Ontario Fire Code.

Have questions about fire code compliance? Looking to ensure your fire wardens achieve recognized and accredited training? Check out our programs HERE.


Ontario's first accredited Fire Safety Certification program launches


BGO Operations and Security teams at 55 University receive accredited training - Meeting the Ontario Fire Code.